Click the button below to visit our Online Store and see products, prices and to place an order for pickup at our Winnipeg deliveries or for On-Farm Pickup.

Our eggs are fresh, delicious and have beautiful sunny orange yolks.

During spring, summer and fall our laying hens are raised on pasture where they can roam, eat grass and bugs, scratch in the dirt and stretch their wings. In the winter they are provided shelter with ample room to move freely.
Their diet consists of a mix of grains and legumes from farms practising regenerative farming. Their diet is supplemented with oyster shell and minerals for optimal health and strong eggshells. We do not include corn or soy in their diet.

Our eggs are available to our customers through our Monthly Egg Subscription Program. Please e-mail us for more details.

Eggs are available for a-la carte purchase (when we have a surplus) for $7.50 per dozen at our regular Winnipeg deliveries, and for on-farm pickup. Please note that we frequently sell out of a-la-carte eggs.
Visit our online store to order for upcoming deliveries.


Currently full - please email to be placed on our waiting list.

Monthly pickup at our delivery locations: Choose your delivery locations - choose either North Kildonan Mennonite Church or Portage Avenue Church and choose either Franco Manitoban Cultural Centre or Reh-Fit Centre.
$7.00 per dozen (regular price $7.00 per dozen)
Pre-paid installments from January-June and July-December.
E-mail us to join our subscription or for more details.


Bi-weekly doorstep delivery to Clearwater, Crystal City, and Pilot Mound.
$7.00 per dozen (regular price $7.00 per dozen)
Pre-paid instalments of 4 months
E-mail us to join our subscription or for more details.