Free-range Turkey and Chicken

Click the button below to visit our Online Store and see products, prices and to place an order for pickup at our Winnipeg deliveries or for On-Farm Pickup.

Our poultry is raised on pasture, where they have the opportunity to roam, scratch in the dirt, catch bugs, and stretch their wings. They are fed a balanced mix of grains sourced from nearby farms using regenerative farming principals. Our birds are moved on a regular basis to ensure a regular supply of fresh forage and insects, distribute nutrients, and maintain a healthy flock.

Chicken and Turkey cuts are available on our online store (click the button above).

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2024 Pasture Raised Whole Chickens
Available to order through Fireweed Food Hub for delivery/pickup September 3, 2024.
Please fill out the Fireweed Google From to place a pre-order

2024 Thanksgiving Turkeys
Pre-Orders are available on our online store.
Please note that we will be delivering turkeys fresh on Friday, October 11 - no other items will be available for pickup, turkeys only!

Chicken was FABULOUS!

"... cannot say enough about how good that chicken was.  Even the smell in the house was so much better than when cooking a store bought chicken.  It was FABULOUS.  Also it was an exceptional job of evisceration.  I have never received a chicken that was that clean and well packaged."

— L.N., customer since 2017

Best bone broth ever

“Our thanksgiving turkey was delicious, but the stock that it made the day after was the best ever.”

— D.H., customer since 2013